Basic Boogie Woogie with Flat 7
This is the third lesson in the Boogie Woogie series. As I mentioned in the previous lessons, the Boogie Woogie pattern is one of the most pervasive bass lines in Blues and Rock and Roll. It’s the foundation for literally
Basic Boogie Woogie Pattern 2
This is the second lesson in the Boogie Woogie series. As I mentioned in the first lesson, the Boogie Woogie pattern is one of the most pervasive bass lines in Blues and Rock and Roll. It’s the foundation for literally
Basic Boogie Woogie Pattern
The Boogie Woogie pattern is one of the most pervasive bass lines in Blues and Rock and Roll. It’s the foundation for literally thousands of lines. So, it’s pretty important if you want to play Rock or Blues.
This lesson
Funk in D with Ghost Notes
This is a simple, repetitive Funk riff that uses ghost notes to add some spice. A ghost note has no pitch. It’s a way to add rhythmic interest to a line. You’ll hear them in hundreds of Soul, R&B