Meet Mark Stein
Sometimes, in the music business, it really is about who you know, not what you know. Now, when it comes to playing the bass, this isn’t true. But when it comes to getting things done, it’s definitely something to remember. Knowing the right people can help your career tremendously, and I am truly grateful to know so many wonderful people who have helped me throughout my career.
Today I’d like to introduce you to Mark Stein, one of the people that helps me take care of business. Continue reading
Meet Etta, My New Spector Coda 5
It’s been so darn busy around here lately that I haven’t had time to tell you about the newest member of my music gear family. Regular readers may already know that, last year, I purchased a Spector Coda 4, specifically for my work with Ryan Pelton. Eddy, as I call him, has been a dream to work with – so much so, that I ordered another Coda. After several months of waiting, she’s finally here. Continue reading