Alternate Fingering for Minor Pentatonic Scale for Bass Guitar
Continuing our discussion about minor pentatonic scales, let’s look at an alternate fingering.
Previously, I demonstrated the basic “Rock Box” fingering I learned when I was a teenager. And while that fingering pattern is the basis for the bulk of my playing, this second fingering is important to know, so that you’ll have more than one way to approach this scale. In addition, knowing this pattern will make it easier to discuss the theory behind this scale in future lessons. Continue reading
Major Pentatonic Scale for Bass Guitar
C Major Pentatonic Scale – High Position
Continuing our study of the Major Pentatonic Scale, here it is in the key of C, in the higher position. This position begins on eigth fret of the E string. This is the same exact scale as shown in the previous lesson. the only difference is where on the neck you place the notes.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly
⁊ Increase speed slowly Continue reading
G Major Pentatonic Scale Low Position
Our study of the Major Pentatonic Scale begins with G Major.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly
⁊ Increase speed slowly Continue reading
Extending the Minor Pentatonic Scale, Part 1
Now that you have learned the two most important fingering patterns for the minor pentatonic scale, and have practiced it in five (or more) keys, it’s time to begin exploring how to extend the scale by adding other notes.
This lesson begins with adding two notes that are often heard in conjunction with the minor pentatonic scale. Continue reading
Gm Pentatonic Scale For Bass Guitar – Low Position
We continue to explore the minor pentatonic scale, this time in the G minor (Gm). There are two positions in which to play this scale; this lesson covers the low position.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly Continue reading
Dm Pentatonic Scale For Bass Guitar – High Position
We continue to explore the minor pentatonic scale, this time in the D minor (Dm). There are two positions in which to play this scale; this lesson covers the high position. If you haven’t done so already, I recommend you first learn the low position.
As always, remember your basics: Continue reading
Dm Pentatonic Scale For Bass Guitar – Low Position
We continue to explore the minor pentatonic scale, this time in the D minor (Dm). There are two positions in which to play this scale; this lesson covers the low position.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly Continue reading
C Minor Pentatonic Scale For Bass Guitar – High Position
We continue to explore the minor pentatonic scale, this time in the C minor (Cm). There are two positions in which to play this scale; this lesson covers the high position. You should learn the low position first. If you haven’t done so, why not do it now? To learn the low position, click here.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly Continue reading
C Minor Pentatonic Scale For Bass Guitar – Low Position
We continue to explore the minor pentatonic scale, this time in the C minor (Cm). There are two positions in which to play this scale; this lesson covers the low position.
As always, remember your basics:
⁊ Start slowly
⁊ Play it 10 times, perfectly Continue reading