Blues Rhumba Fingering Variation 2
This is the final lesson in the basic Blues Rhumba series. So far, you’ve learned two fingering patterns for the Rhumba. Today we’ll look at the the third and final pattern.
The video opens (as many of them do) with
Blues Rhumba Fingering Variation 1
The video opens (as many of them do) with a demonstration of the riff over a 12-Bar Blues – this time in C Major. Next, I show you the notes, one at a time, then play the basic riff at
Blues Rhumba Jam in C
I recently posted a lesson on the Blues Rhumba. As I mentioned, you won’t hear a rhumba as often as you hear a shuffle feel, but that’s one reason it’s so memorable. And it’s important to be able to play
Blues Rhumba in C Major
The Blues rhumba (or rumba) has almost an “island” feel. There’s a bit of syncopation to it, and it’s important to play it with feeling. You won’t hear a rhumba as often as you will a shuffle, but